How much time does it take to set up a complete OTT platform?
The time to set up an OTT depends on your requirements. We offer a shortest time of 7 days for the choice and customisation.
What Integrations does SetupOTT support?
SetupOTT provides integration with 5centsCDN for Content delivery and WHMCS for analytics, billing and a vast customer management system.
Do I get the whole package with SetupOTT services?
With SetupOTT you get a robust platform to build your OTT along with middleware, apps, support and maintenance based on the plan you opt for.
Can I build my own apps using API?
Yes, you can get full access to the API with all plans.
Is CDN or content delivery included in the plans?
No, this something extra is integrated with 5centsCDN or you may choose to deliver using your own dedicated servers.
Does it include application server hosting?
You may choose your own hosting provider to install the middleware. With Enterprise we provide cloud hosting depending on client’s requirement.
Do I pay for the WHMCS license?
Yes, you would purchase a WHMCS license.
Can we integrate with our current billing system?
Yes, custom development may be required for integration with your current billing system.
Do you provide UX/UI services for custom app design?
Yes, we provide professional service for custom app design.
What is the cost for professional services?
We charge $55 USD per hour for professional services
Do you provide content?
No, we are strictly a technology partner.
Do you host the app on SetupOTT apps account?
No, apps are hosted on client app store account.
Is getting approved on an app store guaranteed?
No, the client is responsible for this, SetupOTT will assist and meet technical guidelines. Content copyright and other related guidelines or compliances have to be met by the client.
Do you provide a free trial?
No, we do offer development installation hence you can test the middleware of the apps.
What is the cost for development installation?
$75 per month + you may choose to deploy one app on Android or Apple for one time fee of $500 which will be adjusted towards your final billing if you choose to deploy with us!
Do I need to subscribe for support and maintenance from day one?
No, 3 months of updates and support included with SLACK support!
How much does it cost for support and maintenance?
Middleware support and maintenance is included with the license. For apps pricing ranges from $49 per month (one time) to $99 (paid yearly).
Updates and support subscription (Paid yearly) $49 /m - Android TV and STB $49 /m - Android Tab and Mob
Updates and support one time $99 - Android TV and STB $99 - Android Tab and Mob
Updates and support subscription (Paid yearly) $49 /m - iOS $49 /m - tvOS